Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Homicide in White Oak area of Silver Spring

Montgomery County police report a homicide has occurred on Bradbury Manor Court in the White Oak area of Silver Spring. An adult male was arrested outside of a residence there just before 7:00 AM this morning.

Detectives say the victim, an adult female, lived in the same home there as the man who was arrested. They are suggesting the homicide was a domestic incident. Officers responded to a call, and found the victim deceased inside the home.

By coincidence, another man charged with a different homicide earlier this year, was also a resident of Bradbury Manor Court. What's going on there, folks? Very troubling.


  1. This article is full of assumptions and inaccuracies. No charges have been filed so there is no "victim," at this point. The male was not "arrested." And the police certainly aren't far enough along in their investigation to determine a "murder" occurred.

    The correct words are "deceased," "taken into custody," and "homicide." For all we know, she was assaulting him and he defended himself. In which case a "justifiable homicide" occurred and the "victim" was the guy taken into custody. Get it, Robert? Words have meaning. It's important not to be lazy in reporting.

    1. Cue Law & Order sound: DUN DUN

    2. 11:08: Readers are questioning your mental health. The suspect absolutely was arrested at the time this article was written. The death was called a homicide by police, and is referred to as such throughout my article. The victim was referred to as "the victim" by police.

      I was the first to report this homicide, which is likely the reason you are going nuts, because your favorite developer-funded site was too "lazy in reporting" to write it.

    3. However, I agree it would be more accurate to say "homicide" than "murder," and am updating the headline. I do not understand your other two claims, however, as the terms I used were all used by the police since they first spoke of the incident.
