Thursday, August 1, 2024

Update on Punta Cana Tropical Grill in Montgomery Hills

Punta Cana Tropical Grill
is under construction at 9324 Georgia Avenue in Montgomery Hills. Permanent signage has been installed above the storefront since last winter, but opening day has proven elusive. One recent reason for the delay is that Montgomery County's Department of Permitting Services issued a Stop Work Order at the Dominican restaurant earlier this summer. It cited a violation of County Code Section 8 24-a. That statute relates to the required application for, and approval of, construction permits.

Section 8 24-a states that, "It is unlawful to construct, enlarge, alter, remove or demolish a building or change the occupancy of a building from one use group to another requiring greater strength, exitway or sanitary provisions; or to change to a prohibited use; or create or alter any ownership unit when a use under an occupancy certificate or a structure exists on the parent lot; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by this chapter, without first filing an application with the department in writing and obtaining the required permit therefore; except, that ordinary repairs as defined in Section 8-3 which do not involve any violation of this Chapter are exempt from this provision." 

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