Monday, September 4, 2017

Silver Spring construction update: Solaire 8250 Georgia Ave. (Photos)

Work on the future Solaire 8250 Georgia Avenue apartments is still down in the hole. With a height of 20 stories, Washington Property Company's Solaire 8250 will hold 338 apartments and 15000 SF of retail space, including outdoor seating for dining.
Parking will be located in a three-level undergound garage. Amenities will include a resort-style rooftop swimming pool and deck, cyber cafe, private courtyard, fitness center, and a club room complete with kitchen, library, flatscreen TV, fireplace and game room. Apartments will be a mix of studios and 1-and-2 bedroom units, with quartz countertops.
Lendlease is the contractor for the project, Design Collective of Baltimore is the architecture firm, and leasing of the street-level retail and restaurant space will be handled by Streetsense. Delivery is expected in Spring 2019.

1 comment:

  1. leggett gave away prime real estate ! this is going to be a 20story building yet the new shelter wash prop co built is only 4 stories! shame on you legget!!! good riddace!
