Thursday, September 28, 2017

Wheaton redevelopment ahead of schedule

Lagging boards in place
ahead of deep excavation
With the Silver Spring Transit Center debacle being one for the ages, and the Wheaton Library at least a year behind schedule in construction, it's worth noting that the County is actually ahead of schedule so far on the Wheaton redevelopment project. The project includes a new County government office building, and a town square by the Wheaton Metro station that will be used as a public gathering and event space.

Geothermal well installation is now complete, which is related to one of the green energy features of the new office building. Installation of soldier piles should be complete by the end of this week. Deep excavation for the building is currently scheduled to begin October 2, and will take until mid-January to complete. The required dewatering of the soil ahead of excavation is now underway. Groundwater levels will be reduced by about 25 feet during excavation.

Other projects being worked on this week include a second construction entrance on Grandview Avenue, which will include a wash rack for construction vehicles exiting the site. Fencing is being installed around the vacant Midcounty Regional Services Center ahead of its October demolition.


  1. umm - this project has been pushed back so many times i can't believe you are calling it ahead of schedule. Remember the start date of construction didn't even start until June this year - it was supposed to start well before that (at least 6 months if not a year). Please don't start rumors that this project has been on schedule.

    1. Effectively nothing (private or public) would ever be considered on-schedule if you take pre-construction timelines as anything other than very loose estimates.

    2. 10:56: You are absolutely correct in regard to the overall revitalization plan being behind schedule. I only meant that the actual construction project for the building itself is ahead of schedule, in regard to the timeline since the groundbreaking.
